Attorney & Legal Services Provided
1)Court Appointed Real Estate Agent
2)CMA Comparative Market Analysis
How The Process Works
Business Proposal
1. Your client is not able to reach agreement over the Sale of a Property shared with another individual, subsequently identifies a Need for a Court-Appointed Realtor or Recommendation to Sale.
2. Your client has a need for a CMA.
Court Appointed Service
Attorneys, Judges or Mediators
Would recommend me as the Real Estate Agent to ensure the success of the Sale of said property within established timelines agreed upon during or prior to trial.
Provide your email address, phone #, Property address, current amount owed on house, # of mortgages on the home, be prepared to tell me the logistics of the property; # of bedrooms, # of bathrooms, garages etc, any renovations and arrange for me to view the property in person, as needed.
I would initiate and complete the sale of real estate in a particular Family Court Department case pursuant to order of the court. I will survey the property in person, develop a CMA, meet with owner face-to- face, draw up the listing agreement, List the home, Review offers, Choose an offer, Ensure it appraises and meet other guidelines and conditions of the sale, Go to settlement, and Close successfully.
CMA Service
Provide clients or homeowners with my contact info. I will gather pertinent information to draft professional CMA for them.
Provide your email address, phone #, Property address, current amount owed on house, # of mortgages on the home, be prepared to tell me the logistics of the property; # of bedrooms, # of bathrooms, garages etc, any renovations and arrange for me to view the property in person, as needed.
I will provide the CMA on demand within a 2 hours turn around via email to the owner and attorney.
Please let me know if this is a service you’d consider, if so, I can meet with you for no more than 20 minutes of your time (phone or preferably in-person) to elaborate. I’d be glad to discuss this further over lunch, a cup of tea, or coffee on me. Hope to hear from you soon!
Please use this contact form to be reached.
Court Appointed
I am seeking to find out how I may become a court appointed real estate agent for cases that involve real estate designations relating to marital property.
My objective would be to help avoid the threat of conflict between parties during the entire process and ultimately help ensure the successful sale of their home, almost that of a mediator.
I'd be that trusted advisor to assist both parties in working together during the course of a matter and to remain driven and unbiased while serving both clients’ interests.
I would initiate and complete the sale of real estate in a particular Family Court case pursuant to order of the court.
CMA - What is your Property Worth?
I am a licensed realtor in good standing seeking to enhance your business by providing professional CMA’s for your bankruptcy and/or divorce clients in need of knowing their homes true and accurate value by using turn key business intelligence tools.
All Certified Realtors use an official site known as, the online real estate information portal for realty professionals in MD, DC, Northern VA, and parts of WV and PA. MRIS is the engine that drives nearly $125 billion in real estate transactions (listings and sales) each year. As one of the nation’s largest Multiple Listing Services it is known and respected as a customer service, leading edge technology, and data powerhouse - a one-stop marketplace for everything real estate.
To that end, other sites such as Zillow, Trulia and; although somewhat informative, do not provide real-time or accurate information and tend to pull data from MRIS and other sites several days later or as batch updates occur.
I want to help because you and your clients have a need of a professional service I can offer, so that you can confidently meet that obligation. Providing this service to you and your clients will help me gain more experience. While freeing up time for you to perform more important tasks.
I have worked with bankruptcy attorney(s) in the past. Providing CMA’s and serving as a court appointed Real estate agent when parties are not able to reach agreements during trial or to ensure the sale of the property occurs within established time frames. I can provide references on demand.
My goal is to increase my experience which will allow you the flexibility to focus on alternative aspects of a particular case.
It gives your company a more professional appearance
It will sanction time for you to focus more on case work and critical tasks
It provides an unbiased product and service to your client (minimal charge)
It creates a great networking opportunity
It demonstrate your clients true desire to move forward with a particular filing